- 距离这里最近的村落quetenachico,事实上还有一大段距离(参见地图)。
- The nearest people live in the village of quetena chico , a long drive away ( see map ) .
- 回学校要开很久喔。
- It 's a long drive back to pacific vista .
- 我第一次去穆维佐的时候,驾车通过了也许是这个国家最破的公路,一路颠簸来到这个村庄,目睹纳尔逊曼德拉的孙子被奉为传统头领。
- It was a long drive , on perhaps the worst road in the country , to reach the village when I went to mvezo for the first time , to watch nelson mandela 's grandson consecrated as traditional leader .