- 因为这些批评,圆洞后来被重新设计成了一个长方形。
- Following the criticism , the hole was redesigned as a rectangle .
- 它是包含了你环境(universe)中对象视图(view)的长方形。
- This is a rectangle that contains a view of the objects in your universe .
- 可以简单的设想一下,第一眼看上去,这张图片上那个充满水的长方形区域应该是一个港口。
- It would be easy to assume , at first glance , that the watery rectangle in the center of this image is a harbor .
- 马来西亚最畅销的汉堡是“椭圆形发财鸡肉汉堡”。
- The best-seller in malaysia is " the prosperity oblong chicken burger " .
- 很明显,当汉堡包上面堆放各种菜时,椭圆形更方便嘴小者食用。
- Apparently , when piled with toppings , oblong is easier for small-mouthed folk .
- 果实也称为非洲梨,椭圆形,果皮颜色深蓝色和紫色相间,长约14厘米,内部果肉呈浅绿色。
- The fruits are also known as african pears and are oblong dark blue to violet fruits up to 14cm in length , with pale green flesh inside .