- 没关系,有没有上好的戟?
- Never mind , how about a good halberd then ?
- 江南近海滨的一条大路上,一队清兵手执刀枪,押着七辆囚车,冲风冒寒,向北而行。
- Along a coastal road somewhere south of the yangtze river , a detachment of soldiers , each of them armed with a halberd , was escorting a line of seven prison carts , trudging northwards in the teeth of a bitter wind .
- 四天王在印度时手里拿的是刀、杵、戟、槊。
- In india , the four heavenly kings hold a knife , poker , halberd and lance respectively .
- 这就好比在即将到来的伦敦奥运会上,标枪比赛金牌获得者的投掷距离几乎是银牌得主的两倍。
- It is as if a gold medallist at london 's upcoming olympics were to throw the javelin almost twice as far as the silver medallist .
- 他们从进入斯特拉特福的各条路线中获益,包括朱比利线和发自圣潘克拉斯的新型标枪火车,但为了避免盛会前夕般的经济萎缩,他们会铤而走险。
- They take some comfort from the variety of routes into stratford , including the jubilee line and the new javelin train from st pancras , but will be desperate to avoid a millennium eve style meltdown .
- 过去数年间,长期的训练令他获得了铅球与标枪两项世界纪录,他希望明年还能创造铁饼项目的纪录。
- It is this discipline that has won him two world records in the past year , in shot put and javelin , and he hopes to add another for discus next year .