- 意料之中的是,没有一个人将自己能够令人厌烦作为一个与众不同的特征。
- Hardly surprisingly , no one cites his ability to bore as a distinguishing characteristic .
- 2/10受孕两个精子钻入一个卵子的壳内
- 2 / 10 Conceptiontwo sperm bore their way into the egg 's shell
- 这将有利于向煤矿下钻孔,来读出矿工所在位置附近的气体指数。
- This would assist the drilling of a bore hole into the mine , to take a gas reading from near where the miners are .
- 我们把这件事从大海带到大洋!
- Let 's take this thang from sea to shining sea !
- 交通部长丁罗胜(dinhlathang)日前就禁止下属打高尔夫,因为他说打球会鼓励赌博行为并且造成他们上班迟到。
- Transport minister dinh la thang recently banned his staff from playing the game because he said it encourages gambling and makes them late for work .