- 公寓房与广州长隆地下铁出入口及长隆欢乐世界仅一墙之隔,北傍喷鼻江野活泼物世界、南接火车南站近期的钟村生活圈。
- Apartment and world of mouth of subway of wide bey grand and long grand joy only of one wall lie between , north draws near world of strange creature of sweet jiang ye , south the circle of zhong cun life with the most intimate station austral energize car .
- 这艘名为“重任1601号”的趸船为半潜驳船,其任务是运送混凝土沉箱或用于建设的水密结构。
- The barge , zhong ren 1601 , is designed to be semisubmergible to deliver concrete caissons , or watertight structures used in construction .
- 遗憾的是,由于管理上的问题,随着贝斯手钟成达和鼓手陈冠宇的离开,乐队于2003年解散。
- Unfortunately , due to management problems , the band broke up in 2003 when bassist zhong chengda and drummer chen guanyu quit .
- 韩国总理郑云灿(chungun-chan)的辞职与另一项房地产项目的争议有关。
- The resignation of prime minister chung un-chan is tied to another real-estate controversy .
- 拟于东涌、屯门及西九龙填海区兴建1171个宿舍单位的建议初步已获采纳,现已踏入筹划阶段。
- Proposals to build 1171 quarters in tung chung , tuen mun and west kowloon reclamation are at the planning stage .
- chan的一位同行henrychung表示,四分之三的大陆客户不出租自己的房子,以避免与租户打交道时发生口角。
- Henry chung , one of mr chan 's competitors , says three out of four mainland clients do not lease their properties to avoid the hassle of dealing with tenants .
- 皇上会带婉容去吗?
- Will the emperor take wan jung with him ?
- 郑宇亭是不是你杀的?
- Did you kill jung yoo-jung ?
- 郑汉景!你和这个流氓在干什么?
- Han-kyung jung ! What are doing with this jerk ?