- josh只顾在键盘上猛敲猛打。
- Josh continued to type furiously on his keyboard .
- 一位在班加罗尔敲打键盘的程序员?
- A programmer tapping at a keyboard in bangalore ?
- 这是一个102键的标准键盘。
- It is a standard keyboard with 102 key .
- 你在哪里可以买到blackriver指板斜?
- Where can you buy blackriver fingerboard ramps ?
- 课程内容包括:古典结他弹奏技巧、指版和声、简单应用乐理。
- Lesson content : classical guitar skill , fingerboard harmony , simple music theory .
- 几乎所有古老的小提琴至今已改造过,给它们添加了更长的琴颈和指板,并设置了琴颈的角度使其更容易被演奏。
- Almost all old violins have since been modified to give them a longer neck and fingerboard and set the neck at an angle , making them easier to play .
- 1722年约翰塞巴斯蒂安巴赫用其创作了《平均律钢琴曲集》。
- Johann sebastian bach , used it for the well-tempered clavier , 1722 .
- 巴赫是赋格曲,众赞歌前奏曲和组曲的大师。他最着名的作品之一是。
- Bach was the master of the fugue , the chorale-prelude and suites . One of his most famous works is the well-tempered clavier .
- 本文以《平均律钢琴曲集》中的两首c小调赋格曲为对象,分别就主题形态、调性、对位声部、间插段4个方面进行复调思维特征的比较。
- In this article , the author takes two fugue in c minor from the well-tempered clavier by bach for example , making comparison of polyphonic thinking from aspects of their motive modality , modes , harmony , plug-in paragraph .