- 新近修复的这幅复制品,它有着闪闪发光的背景景观,椅子的主轴和焦孔多紧身上衣的褶皱有着清晰的线条,它丰富了原作《蒙娜丽莎》被泛黄的清漆所掩藏的细节。
- The newly-restored copy , with its gleaming landscape in the background and sharp lines defining the spindle of the chair and the ruffle of the bodice , fills in details obscured by the yellowing varnish on the real mona lisa .
- 在她的作品里,旋转的纺锤代表了混乱的开始。
- In her works the spiralling spindle represented the beginning of chaos .
- 故事是这样的:在距离这块纺锤形岩石13英里的地方,有个更大些的岛,叫做豪勋爵岛。
- Here 's the story : about 13 miles from this spindle of rock , there 's a bigger island , called lord howe island .
- 作为一个写了一本畅销书,封面上还印了个金元宝的人来说,老康显示出惊人的谦虚。
- For a man who wrote a best-selling novel that has a giant gold ingot on the cover , lao kang is surprisingly modest .
- 本文在查阅专利文献和其它相关文献的基础上,对空心钢锭的生产技术作了回顾和总结,供有关人员参考。
- Based on consulting patent literature and other literature , this paper reviewed and summarized the techniques on the hollow ingot , providing reference for the related personnel .
- 文摘:本文在查阅专利文献和其它相关文献的基础上,对空心钢锭的生产技术作了回顾和总结,供有关人员参考。
- Abstract : based on consulting patent literature and other literature , this paper reviewed and summarized the techniques on the hollow ingot , providing reference for the related personnel .