- 我们能织出世界上最漂亮的锦缎.
- We can weave the most beautiful brocade in the world .
- 量,因它差不多都是由织锦缎做成的。
- Volume , because it almost always made by the brocade .
- 您要哪种台布,亚麻的、提花涤纶还是织锦缎的。
- Which do you prefer , the linen one , the figured dacron or the brocade .
- 而日本代表绫户智绘亦榜上有名。
- Chile and japan on behalf of households painted damask also on the list .
- 绫濑遥性感可爱于一身的女人。
- Distant damask silk rapids sex appeal is lovable in woman all over the body .
- 中调:法国鸢尾花根精油、埃及天竺葵精油、保加利亚大马仕革玫瑰精油。
- Heart notes : french orris root , egyptian geranium , bulgarian damask rose .
- 自晋朝以来,有关丝缎存在的记录已经很好了,而且自公元前二世纪以来,四轴织机和其它发明使得丝锦缎的创造成了可能。
- Since the jin dynasty , the existence of silk damasks has been well recorded , and since the 2nd century bce , four-shafted looms and other innovations allowed the creation of silk brocades .