- 但是17种鲨鱼中有10种都没有视锥细胞,其他7种鲨鱼也都只具有一种单一的视锥细胞。
- But no cone cells were observed in 10 of the 17 species , while only one type of cone cell appeared to be present in the other 7 .
- 在破碎设备中,圆锥破碎机是进行二次破碎的主流设备。
- Of the crushing plants , cone crusher is the popular and famous plants for secondary crushing .
- dsmac生产的锌矿石圆锥破碎机在印度的锌矿石破碎厂中帮助我们的客户获得了很大的利润厂。
- Dsmac zinc cone crusher has helped our customers make much profit in indiazinc ore crushing plant .
- 老师:“头悬梁,锥刺股”是怎么回事?
- Teacher : is " the head hang beam , the awl stab " what is the row ?
- 路易斯三岁时,就学着用他爸爸的锥子。
- When louis was three , he tried to use his father 's awl .
- pwm整流器以其优越的性能和潜在的优势得到了广泛地应用。
- The pwm rectifier is widely applied due to its superior performance awl potential superiority .
- 意料之中的是,没有一个人将自己能够令人厌烦作为一个与众不同的特征。
- Hardly surprisingly , no one cites his ability to bore as a distinguishing characteristic .
- 2/10受孕两个精子钻入一个卵子的壳内
- 2 / 10 Conceptiontwo sperm bore their way into the egg 's shell
- 这将有利于向煤矿下钻孔,来读出矿工所在位置附近的气体指数。
- This would assist the drilling of a bore hole into the mine , to take a gas reading from near where the miners are .
- 不像人类这样,大部分哺乳动物只拥有两种视锥细胞。
- Unlike humans , most mammals possess just two kinds of retinal cones .
- 他说,至少有两次爆炸是由安放在警示安全锥下的装置造成的,但没有提供更多细节。
- He said at least two of the explosions came from devices placed under police cones but provided no further details .
- 他们发现了震裂锥,并用显微镜分析了采集到的岩石样本,发现了冲击石英颗粒。
- They found shatter cones , and microscopic analysis of rock samples collected from the site revealed shocked quartz grains .
- 它看上去的确像一座金字塔,不是吗?
- It does look like a pyramid , doesn 't it ?
- 这是当人们到达层次需求金字塔顶端时的情形。
- This is what happens when people reach the top of the pyramid .
- 我们应该像在攀爬一个金字塔一样,尝试并接近它。
- One should try and approach goals as they were a pyramid .