- 一位官员说,这个卫星就像是被锡纸包过的洗碗机。
- The satellite , one official said , was a " dishwasher wrapped in tinfoil . "
- 人们也许会说这种阴谋理论的说法不知仅仅是桑托伦先生说,但是问题在于:锡箔帽*已经成为共和党的时尚配饰品,如果不是强制性的话。
- You may say that such conspiracy-theorizing is hardly unique to mr. santorum , but that 's the point : tinfoil hats have become a common , if not mandatory , g. o. p.fashion accessory .
- 伦敦时装周今天开幕,这是一个为期7天的用锡纸、羽毛或橡胶缝制的皇帝名牌新装的游行。
- London fashion week starts today , a seven-day parade of the emperor 's designer clothes , made of tinfoil or feathers or rubber .