- 新鲜面包还能在干净的锡容器里保存。
- Fresh bread can be kept in a clean tin container .
- 锌、镍和锡价也出现了上涨。
- Zinc , nickel and tin also posted gains .
- 伦敦交易所镍、锡价格上扬。
- Nickel and tin rose in london .
- 这种冒险的大概纲领非常简单:“一位英雄从日常世界进入超自然世界,获得种种难以置信的神奇力量,赢得一场至关重要的胜利,英雄从神秘的冒险中归来,用他的能力广施恩泽于众人。”
- The adventure 's outline was simple : " a hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder : fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won : the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man . "
- 我恭敬地希望您在优雅地颁发新年荣誉的时候,会把这点记在心里。
- I respectfully hope you will bear that in mind when you graciously bestow your new year honours .
- 他们似乎不明白,“例外”是一个只有别人能够赐予,而自己不能妄称的形容词。
- They don 't seem to understand that you can 't declare yourself " exceptional , " only others can bestow that adjective upon you .