- 撒拉逊人刚好感觉到有厉害的东西向白己飞来,举起小圆盾一挡,但锤的来势太猛,把那面盾重重地压在他的头巾上了,虽说减轻了锤的力量,却把他打下马来。
- The saracen was just aware of the formidable missile in time to interpose his light buckler betwixt the mace and his head ; but the violence of the blow forced the buckler down on his turban , and though that defence also contributed to deaden its violence , the saracen was beaten from his horse .
- 尽管如此,她的手还是伸进手袋摸到防身毒气的冰凉小筒。
- Nonetheless , her hand went into her purse and touched the cool canister of mace .
- 这时候,他手上突然出现一个mace喷雾剂,我觉得没什么好奇怪的,想想他平时得对付多少敌人就知道了。
- Meanwhile , he produced a cannister of mace healways carries , which did not surprise me , given the amount of enemieshe must make .
- 文艺复兴时期的人(有支付能力的)想成为文雅博学的绅士;轻剑是他衣橱里最好的宝贝,也是其身份的招牌。
- The renaissance man ( who could afford to ) wanted to be seen as a cultivated , elegant gentleman ; his rapier , the largest jewel in his wardrobe , advertised his position .
- 他天使般的妻子,口舌似剑。
- His angel of a wife has a rapier of a tongue .
- 把剑给我孩子!
- Give me my rapier , boy .