- 有时,他双手倚在锄柄上,随着思想的无底的回旋,往深处慢慢寻思。
- Sometimes he crossed his arms and leaned on his hoe , and slowly descended the endless spirals of revery .
- 在目前粮食不安全的地区,农业通常是手动进行的,用锄头和种植工具坚持几年的投入。
- In currently food-insecure regions , farming is typically conducted manually , using a hoe and planting stick with few inputs .
- 书中这样写道,申东赫把他的母亲看成争夺食物的敌手,他的这种想法是正确的;有一次他母亲因儿子吃了自己的午餐而拿锄头痛打他一顿。
- The book says that he regarded his mother as a rival for food and was right to do so ; she once beat him with a hoe for eating her lunch .