- 铁钱堆是当年钱库遗址,钱皆呈半熔化状态凝作一团,铁狮子是遗留至今的我国早期最大的铸铁艺术珍品,对研究我国冶铁史、雕塑史、佛教史均有重要价值。
- Iron money pile of money that year library sites , qian jie cheng semi-molten state condensate dithered , iron lion is a legacy so far the largest cast iron early chinese art treasures , the study of the history of our metal fabrication , sculpture history , the history of buddhism have significant value .
- 采用光学显微镜、电子显微镜和x射线衍射仪研究了激光表面淬火处理硼铸铁硬化层的显微组织及激光处理前后硼在铸铁中的存在形式。
- The microstructure of the laser-hardening layer on boron cast iron and exsisting form of boron in the cast iron before and after laser surface hardening were examined by optical microscope , transmission electron and x-ray diffractometer .
- 铸造铁和碳转子叶片泵壳铁。
- Cast iron pump housing with iron rotor and carbon vanes .
- 实际上,种植者通常给他们的南瓜喷洒一种混合肥料“brew”,这种肥料混合有蠕虫蜕下的皮,糖浆和液体的褐藻,而喷洒了该肥料的南瓜一天可以长50磅。
- In fact , growers typically feed their pumpkins a compost " brew " so rich - the water is mixed with worm castings , molasses and liquid kelp - that the fruits can gain as much as 50 pounds a day .
- 两到六个月内,蚯蚓的排泄物就能够作为堆肥使用了。
- The worm 's waste , or castings , should be ready to use as compost within two to six months .
- 为车辆行业生产铸件的芝加哥公司acmealliance,通过建设注重与区域供应商紧密关系的生产链,开辟了一条新路。
- Acme alliance , a chicago-based maker of castings for the vehicle industry , has blazed a trail towards setting up production chains that emphasise close connections to regional suppliers .