- 印度是全球第四大铁矿石生产国,还拥有煤炭、铝土矿和铬铁矿等矿藏。
- India is the world 's fourth-largest iron ore producer and also has deposits of coal , bauxite and chromite .
- 力拓目前正在鼓吹矾土矿的开采前景,矾土是铝材生产的最基础原料。
- Rio is talking up the prospects for mining bauxite , the most basic raw material for aluminium production .
- 例如,阿加瓦尔就被告知,他不能在一个原始部落视为圣地的地方附近开采铝矾土。
- Mr agarwal , for one , has been told he cannot mine bauxite near land sacred to a primitive tribe .
- 但氧化铝生产商也正在推动定价机制改革,因此这一状况可能很快发生改变。
- But with producers of alumina pushing for a change in the system , that may soon change .
- 与业内同行一样,奥列格德里帕斯卡(olegderipaska)的公司也有自己的烦忧,例如不断上涨的能源和铝矾土成本。
- Oleg deripaska 's company , like its peers , has worries of its own , such as rising energy and alumina costs .
- 这样的价格安排为旗下已整合了氧化铝业务的炼铝厂商提供了很好的成本对冲。
- That arrangement provides a neat cost hedge for aluminum producers that have integrated alumina operations .