- 示威者们,有些是从华盛顿“占领华尔街”阵营中转道而来到法院的,他们通过了警方设置的路障,跑上法院的石阶,几乎冲到了前门的圆柱跟前。
- Demonstrators , some of them from the occupy wall streetencampments inwashington , later moved across the street to the court , where they pushed through a police barricade and ran up the court 's steps almost to the columns that guard the bronze front doors .
- 人类文明发展到青铜时代,也相应出现了青铜鱼钓。
- Human civilization came to the bronze age , with it there appeared a bronze fishhook .
- 在16世纪早期,分别增补了罗马的孪生缔造者罗慕路斯和雷穆斯的青铜像,传说他们遭遗弃丢在台伯河(tiberriver)岸,由母狼哺乳才得以生存下来。
- Added separately , in the early 1500s , were the bronze figures of romulus and remus , the twin founders of rome who legend says were abandoned on the tiber river 's banks and survived by being nursed by the she-wolf .