- 望远镜的玻镜,设备,热能控制系统还有一些其他的硬件都将安装在基架之上。
- The backplane will support the telescope 's beryllium mirrors , instruments , thermal control systems and other hardware throughout its mission .
- 我想知道他从哪里可以弄到?铍球?
- I wonder where he intends to find one ? Beryllium sphere ?
- 为了测出如此微小的力,国家标准和技术学会的团队将大约60个超冷铍离子装在一个叫做“潘宁陷阱”的装置中,该装置是利用磁场和电场禁锢带电粒子的。
- To detect such a tiny force , the nist team confined about 60 ultra-cold beryllium ions in a device called a penning trap , which uses magnetic and electric fields to imprison charged particles .