- 此刻的贝尔也没闲着。
- Bell meanwhile had not been idle .
- 但是,他们已熬过了吃塔可钟和穿二手衣的日子。
- But the days of eating at taco bell and wearing second-hand clothes are over .
- 贝尔女士既不是私人侦探,也不是间谍。
- Ms bell is neither a private investigator nor a spy .
- 高温胁迫对棉铃虫交配的影响。
- Table 2 effect of high temperature on copulation of cotton boll worm .
- 该国几乎消灭了棉铃象鼻虫,以及农业部单独测试每包皮棉的纤维抗拉强度等细微测量指标。
- The country has pretty much defeated the boll weevil , and the department of agriculture individually tests every bale on obscure measures such as the tensile strength of the fibres .
- 你有一个像一群棉子象鼻虫一样的嘴巴。
- You gotta mouth like a herd of boll weevils .
- 如果枝条底部有花蕾,只剪掉向外生长的花蕾上方的枝条。
- If it does have buds towards the base of the branch , make a cut just above an outward facing bud .
- 当花蕾含苞待放比盛开更难受时,那就是其绽放之时。
- And the time came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom .
- 2011年6月23日丹佛,医用大麻关爱者布雷特坎多拉(bretkantola)正在检查医用大麻新枝条上的花蕾,这些大麻生长在他的种植场里。
- Medical marijuana caregiver bret kantola examines the bud on a new strain of medicinal marijuana that he is growing in his grow facility in denver , on june 23 , 2011 .