- 只见老妇人吓的面如土色道:厉害,厉害。
- See the look ashen that old woman person frightens only : fierce , fierce .
- 然后,就好像当年在灰袍修道会时他师傅曾经教过他的那样,他努力让精神澄净开始进入冥想。
- Just as his masters in the ashen order had taught him so many years ago , he cleared his mind and began to meditate .
- 也有可能是太阳粒子轰击金星大气层,就像地球上的北极光和南极光一样造成它的飘忽不定。
- It 's also possible the ashen light of venus is caused by solar particles energizing the atmosphere like the terrestrial aurorae borealis and australis - hence its evanescence .
- 布朗先生出来,铁青著一张脸。
- Mr. brown out with a face livid .
- 那张铁青的长脸上神色缓和了。
- The long livid face relaxed .
- 看来我们找到了一个几个月前,加桑是铁青。
- It seems we were found out a few months back and ghassan is livid .
- 这些淤青说明什么?
- What does lividity tell you ?
- 从尸斑来看,尸体没有被移动过。
- Based on lividity , the body wasn 't moved .
- 但是根据尸体变色与僵硬的程度。
- " But based on hypostatic lividity " and degree of rigor .