- 你能感觉到有多枯燥和乏味吗?
- How dull and boring can you get ?
- 欧洲的大选传统上是沉闷的。
- European elections are traditionally dull affairs .
- 总得有人来确保完成那些枯燥但必需的工作。
- Someone has to ensure that dull but necessary tasks are done .
- 那你在这里拿什么取乐?
- So what do you do around here tor tun ?
- 我是让他们自己相互取笑。
- Or I let them make tun of themselves .
- 在古老的地狱某一处的烟雾中,有一个这样的桶。
- Somewhere in the fog of the ancient hells , there is a tun like that .