- 就同雕塑家手持凿子工作那样,通过每次经心的呼吸,你会发现自己心灵中的哪个部分需要摒弃,从而能将你内心中早已存在的美展露出来。
- Like the sculptor working with a chisel , with each mindful breath , you begin to see which aspects of your psyche need to be chipped away to reveal the already existent beauty that is within you .
- 甚至非暴力如更多女性遭受的性骚扰的压力,也会集体凿掉我们的自我价值。
- Even non-violent pressures such as sexual harassment , from which far more women suffer collectively chisel away at our sense of self-worth .
- 他不可能只用锤子一凿,而雕像上多余的石头全都掉落立马展现出一件杰作。
- He doesn 't hit the chisel with the hammer once , and suddenly all the excess stone falls away revealing a beautiful masterpiece .
- 上周五,在约旦河西岸布林的犹太人定居点,一名犹太定居者用枪指着举行抗议活动的巴勒斯坦人。
- A jewish settler pointed a gun at palestinians and activists during a protest against the confiscation of land for jewish settlers in burin , west bank , friday .
- 刻刀是橡皮章创作中最直接的助手和伴侣。
- Burin rubber stamp creations is the most direct assistant and companion .
- 刻刀工具是橡皮章创作中最直接的助手和伴侣。
- Burin rubber stamp creation tool is the most direct assistant and companion .
- 我觉得这与那些在严重问题上的相对论观点一样都是错误的。
- And I think it is just as wrong as these relativistic views on graver issues .
- 有的警告说这样做只会让通用汽车的潜在购买者心存疑虑,而使形势变得更严峻。
- Others give warning that such a move would simply alienate potential buyers of gm cars , making the situation graver still .
- 以色列可能上台的新总理本雅明内塔尼亚胡已经表示,一个有核的伊朗将比全球性衰退所带来的威胁严峻得多。
- Israel 's probable new prime minister , binyamin netanyahu , has said a nuclear iran poses a far graver threat than the global recession .
- 买一支大蜡烛,然后用一支没有装铅芯的自动铅笔在上面雕刻一些特别的标语。
- Buy a large candle , and use a mechanical pencil with no lead in it to engrave a message .
- 要取两块红玛瑙,在上面刻以色列儿子的名字:
- Take two onyx stones and engrave on them the names of the sons of israel
- 企业家永远会自己开拓道路。
- Entrepreneurs will always carve their own paths .
- 通过涉足不发达的伊斯兰市场,这种融资模式帮助该地区开拓出一块业务,同时深化了海湾地区的金融市场海湾地区自认为是躲避全球经济风暴的安全港。
- This helped the region carve a niche by tapping the underserved islamic market , while deepening capital markets in the gulf , which fancies itself as the safe haven from the globe 's economic storm .
- 我们当中一些口袋里装着削笔刀的(大多数)会在无聊时在铅笔上刻圈子和螺纹,但却从来没雕过这些。
- Those of us who carried pocket knives for sharpening pencils ( most of us ) might also carve out rings and spirals when we were bored . We had nothing on these guys though .
- 她在雕刻一些大理石。
- She was chiselling some marble .
- 他通过友人骗没有戒心的老人而赚钱。
- He makes his money by chiselling unsuspecting elderly people .