- 它的变迁反映了这个国家的变迁过程。
- Its vicissitudes mirror those of the country .
- 我要用什么来喷镜子?
- What do I spray the mirror with ?
- 每一部电影都反映了一代人的恐惧。
- Each instalment holds a mirror to the fears of a generation .
- 最大的野心体现在铁路上。
- Railways reflect the boldest ambitions .
- 让你的微笑体现出你的心态。
- Let your smile reflect your attitude .
- 投票模式反映出人们的不同选择。
- Voting patterns reflect the divide .
- 在你发现一个瘫痪者之前你已经检查了200个儿童。
- You had to inspect 200 children before you found one with paralysis .
- 蜘蛛大小型号的无人机能够在人质绑架事件时潜入房间进行检查。
- Drones the size of spiders could inspect houses during hostage situations .
- 他们检查了汽车玻璃的毁损情况,向陆战队员们抱怨连连。
- They inspect the damage to the car windshield , complaining to the marines .
- 当然,学者可以在后面的几年里仔细分析这次选举,但企业领导们现在开始就可以从中学到东西。
- Surely pundits will scrutinize this election for years to come . But business leaders can take its lessons right now .
- 所有的竞选人员都要仔细检查登记注册要参加投票和是否在过去的选举中参加过投票的公众档案。
- All campaigns scrutinize public records showing who is registered to vote and whether they have voted in past elections .
- 她探身向前,端详他们的面容。
- She leaned forward to scrutinize their faces .
- 移动装置可帮助警察酒后刺。
- Mobile unit helps police in dui stings .
- 他在除夕被判酒醉驾驶。
- He got a dui conviction on new year 's eve .
- 比弗利山庄|7月6日林赛罗韩继07年酒后驾车被判缓刑后正式被判入狱90天。
- Beverly hills | july 6 lindsey lohan is sentenced to 90 days in jail after a probation violation following a 2007 dui .