- 在沈领主的宝塔里面这个八角形的房间里,“我们试着为这只孔雀创造一个算是有王座却又不同于人类的王座的地方”zibach先生说。
- Inside this octagonal room in lord shen 's tower " we were trying to find a way to create a space for the peacock and basically have a throne but not be literal to a human throne , " mr. zibach said .
- 王座发生了一些变化,一些活力再次出现在这个阴暗的房间。
- Some small change had come to the throne room , though-something lived once more in the shadowed chamber .
- 他的姨妈掌控实权近半个世纪之久的慈禧太后在紫禁城养心殿处于弥留之际,这栋奢华的楼阁坐落于一个绿树掩映的小院里,她在这处理政务。
- His aunt , the empress dowager cixi , the real power behind the throne for nearly half a century , lay dying in the hall of mental cultivation , an ornate pavilion in a small but lush courtyard ; she used it as her throne room in the forbidden city .