- 古埃及人敬重对他们具有宗教意义的黄金,3300年前,图唐卡蒙国王埋葬于金棺中。
- The ancient egypitains esteemed gold , which had religious significance to them , and king tutankhamen was buried in a solid gold coffin 3300 years ago .
- “我们超乎想象地发现和培养体育技能,甚至比其他方面做得都好”,比尔詹姆斯在他的新书《傻瓜的真金:给那些在公认的智慧之路上绕弯的人》中写道。
- " We are fantastically good at identifying and developing athletic skills -- better than we are , really , at almost anything else , " bill james writes in his new book solid fool 's gold : detours on the way to conventional wisdom .
- 罗马尼亚选手在女子跳马决赛中也展示了雄厚的实力,除戈杰安夺得金牌外,米洛索维奇还以9787分摘取铜牌。
- Romanian gymnasts showed solid strength in the final of the women 's vault . Besides gogiea winning the gold medal , mirosoviki won the bronze medal with a score of 9.787 .