- 他说金正日将kimjong-chol视为“女孩样的”,但是却公开的赞美金正云,说:“这男孩像我。”
- He said kim jong-il dismissed kim jong-chol as " girlish " but openly complimented kim jong-un , saying , " that boy is like me . "
- 张成泽是金正日的妹夫,在金正日的统治时影响日益扩大,被认为可能做为金正恩的摄政者。
- Mr. jang , the brother-in-law of kim jong-il , grew influential under mr. kim 's rule and was often cited as a possible regent for kim jong-un .
- 一些分析师说,金正日的妹妹金敬姬(kimkyonghui)和妹夫张成泽(jangsongtaek)可能成为金正恩的“摄政者”,帮助他在劳动党和军队内部获得足够的权力以实施统治。
- Kim jong il 's sister , kim kyong hui , and her husband , jang song taek , a close aide to kim jong il , could act as regents for kim jong eun to help him gain enough power within the worker 's party as well as the military to run the regime , some analysts say .