- gold餐厅的老板及主厨哈兰戈德斯坦(harlangoldstein)亲自编写葡萄酒单。
- Harlan goldstein , chef and owner of gold , compiled his own wine list .
- 这类投资为数寥寥:美国国债和(在较小程度上的)黄金。
- It 's a very short list : u. s. treasurys and to a lesser extent , gold .
- 这份清单不像是一份法庭文件,而更像是派克大街特权阶层的饰品目录:卡地亚(cartier)和蒂芙尼(tiffany)钻石手表、1只钻石手镯、4个钻石胸针、1条翡翠项链、1只金表和各种其他珠宝。
- The list reads less like a court document than a catalogue of the trappings of park avenue privilege : diamond cartier and tiffany watches , a diamond bracelet , four diamond brooches , a jade necklace , a gold watch and other assorted jewellery .