- 对于预测的有关制造业复兴,以及解决贸易不平衡的豪言壮语仍持有怀疑态度。
- But predictions about a rebirth of manufacturing and muscular rhetoric about resolving trade imbalances are met with understandable skepticism .
- 而上世纪90年代末曾部分领导了凯迪拉克品牌复兴工作的史密斯(johnsmith)将负责公司的规划和结盟工作。
- John smith , partly responsible for the rebirth of cadillac in the late 1990s , will head corporate planning and alliances .
- 任何真正的城市复兴都要建立在私有住房和私营业务的基础之上。
- Any serious urban rebirth is going to be built on private housing and private business .
- 期待2009年1月企鹅集团出版的桑塔格私密日记第一册:新生:早年日记,1947-1964。
- Look for penguin group to publish the first edition , reborn : early diaries , 1947-1964in january 2009 .
- installer死而重生为cydia,在2009年3月,其从一个应用程序库演变为应用程序商店。
- Installer died and became reborn as cydia , which evolved from an app library into a store in march 2009 .
- 资讯科技普遍被认为如此的人是再生的,也许当做他们的爱人一个家庭成员。
- It was commonly thought that such people were reborn , perhaps as a family member of their lovers .
- 城市复兴不是一门新兴学科。
- Urban regeneration is not a fresh discipline .
- 脱离欧元区很可能会成为其国家复兴的开端。
- Leaving the euro might just be the beginning of a national regeneration .
- 和其他的再生项目一样,高速铁路往往转移了经济活动而不是创造了经济活动。
- High-speed lines , like other regeneration projects , often displace economic activity rather than create it .