- 政治特务去年八月潜入阿拉斯加,就是为了挖掘丑闻。
- Political operatives descended on alaska last august , digging for dirt .
- 他的一名记者在去年显然由于对事件挖掘太深被杀害。
- One of his reporters was murdered last year , apparently for digging too deep .
- 遗憾的是,这将不会涉及繁重的大量道路挖掘工作。
- Alas , that will not involve laboriously digging up lots of roads .
- 切割往往始于一种冲动。
- Cutting often begins on an impulse .
- 我们利用机器人来做许多危险的切割工作。
- Our robot does much of the dangerous cutting .
- 许多医院已经开始削减预算。
- Many are already cutting budgets .
- 他想成为雷,劈开这一切的束缚。
- He 's thunder , hewing all the fetters .
- 九月,它就被一本遵守旧样式的教材取而代之了。
- Since september a new book hewing closer to the old style has replaced it .
- 喂马,劈柴,周游世界。
- Feeding the horses , hewing firewoods , and travelling around the world .
- 波洛克毕生致力于挖掘埋葬于我们人类大脑的图像,而他的晚期作品是否正是这一意志的表现呢?
- Could pollock 's late paintings result from his lifelong effort to excavate an image buried in all of our brains ?
- 私自挖掘古文化遗址、古墓葬的,以盗窃论处。
- Those who excavate sites of ancient culture or ancient tombs without permission are punishable for larceny .
- 在摄像机所拍视频图像的指导下,尽管口很小,外科医生还是操纵长柄工具将胆囊从其邻近器官上挖出来,之后切除它。
- Guided by the resulting video feed , the surgeon wields long-handled tools to excavate the gall bladder from its neighbouring organs before removing it though the slit .
- 如果要挖一具尸体出来要多少时间?
- How long does it take hereto dig up a body ?
- 妈等尸体腐烂之后能把骨头挖出来吗?
- Mom when it rots can we dig up the bones ?
- 但是在总统选举中的一个或是更多的失败者,可能会让其支持者们挖出埋在地下的枪支,并给枪上膛。
- But one or more losers in the presidential ballot could ask supporters to dig up and load buried guns .
- 原本要求的两个月发掘工期延长到了三个月,之后又变成了五年。
- The two months of excavation she had requested had turned into three months , and three months had become five years .
- 当作为挖掘使用时,它能作为强有力的起重机移开大块的残骸。
- The excavation pods can work as robust cranes to remove large pieces of wreckage .
- 这个社区的规模可以从1997年发掘出的遗址看出。
- The scale of this community can be seen in the results of one excavation of part of it in 1997 .