- 课程主任gladyswhitehead表示,一个电子书测试项目正在计划中。
- Curriculum director gladys whitehead says an e-book test project is being planned .
- 虽然我发现whitehead的计划中有些地方令人困惑,但我很欣赏他的分类储蓄法。
- Though I find certain elements of whitehead 's plan confusing , I do like his tiered approach to saving .
- 怀特黑德说过,对信息的分析需要非凡的头脑。
- It requires a very unusual mind , whitehead said , to undertake the analysis of a fact .
- ZT型铁路客票制票机的研制和应用
- The Development and Application for ZT type Passenger Ticket Printer
- 柑橘授粉处理和单性结实子房(幼果)内源IAA、ABA和ZT含量的变化
- Changes of Endogenous IAA , aba and ZT in pollinated , non-pollinated and parthenocarpic ovary ( fruitlet ) of Citrus
- 柑桔授粉处理和单性结实子房(幼果)内源IAA、ABA和ZT含量的变化
- Changes of Endogenous IAA , ABA and ZT in Pollinated , Non-pollinated and Parthenocarpic Ovary ( Fruitlet ) of Citrus