- 伊拉克21年来一直游离在欧佩克配额系统之外。
- Iraq has been outside opec 's quota system for 21 years .
- 对于那些寻求新额度的国际机构投资者而言,短期考量是个问题。
- For those international institutions seeking new quota , the shorter-term considerations are an issue .
- 由于贷款额度几乎用尽,平均来看,2009年和2010年第四季度新增贷款数量只占当年贷款总量的15%。
- With their loan quota almost exhausted , in 2009 and 2010 fourth-quarter new loans averaged just 15 % of the total for the year .
- 它们会导致资本配置不当。
- They result in poor capital allocation .
- 这也鼓励基金提高债券的配置。
- This too has encouraged a higher bond allocation .
- 风险厌恶是推动资产配置的最大因素之一。
- Risk aversion is one of the biggest factors driving allocation .