- 今年也适合这一公式。
- This year fits this formula .
- 但是公式效应仍将继续。
- But the formula effect will persist .
- 将水加入奶粉或浓缩配方。
- Add this to powder or formula concentrate .
- 只是还没想好怎样搭配好食谱。
- She is still fussing with the recipe .
- 这是导致滞涨的经典配方。
- This is a recipe for stagnation .
- 这就是新工党的神奇配方。
- That was new labour 's magic recipe .
- 铁矿石是生产钢铁的主要原料。
- Iron ore is the main ingredient in steel .
- 其重要的原料是手工制成的秸杆捆。
- The key ingredient is handmade straw bales .
- 成分之一的氯霉素其实是一种对抗某些细菌的抗生素。
- The ingredient chloramphenicol is actually an antibiotic that fights certain bacteria .