- 研究以文献数据为基础,应用线性回归方法确立了有机酸类、醇类、醛酮和糖类、含氮化合物的生化需氧量与其燃烧热的定量关系。
- In this paper , the batching relationship of biochemical oxygen demand and combustion hent about organic acid , alcohol , aldehyde , saccharing and nitrogen-containing compound is defined by linear regression method based on bibliographic data .
- 悬臂式调速皮带秤是通过高速采集皮带机上的重量和转速信号实现闭环式流量的高精度计量与配料控制。
- XT Cantilevered speed - regulating belt scale performs high - precision measuring and batching control of closed-loop flow by rapidly acquiring signals of weight on the belt and running speed of the belt .
- 四川大学硕士学位论文论文论述了如何建立烟丝计量系统的数学模型,并分析了影响称重计量精度的各种因素,提出从控制算法和计量秤两个方面解决计量误差的措施。
- In the thesis , it is expounded the process of setting up the measuring mathematics model , and the analyse of various kinds of factors which influences measuring precision , and then it is put forward that controlling algorithms and measuring equipment to solve the batching error .
- 这是一项沉重的负担。
- That is a heavy burden .
- 第二个负担是历史。
- The second burden is the past .
- 但是重担不应该只由这位将军来背负。
- But the burden must not fall only on the general .
- 铁矿石是生产钢铁的主要原料。
- Iron ore is the main ingredient in steel .
- 其重要的原料是手工制成的秸杆捆。
- The key ingredient is handmade straw bales .
- 成分之一的氯霉素其实是一种对抗某些细菌的抗生素。
- The ingredient chloramphenicol is actually an antibiotic that fights certain bacteria .