- 该场比赛墨西哥赢1-0。
- Mexico won the match 1-0 .
- 人们争先恐后地去看那场足球赛。
- People thronged to watch the football match .
- 因为暴雨太大了,他们把橄榄球赛取消了。
- They called off the football match because of a severe thunderstorm .
- 或许又是时候和另一家网络合作了呢,pax还在考虑吗?
- Maybe it 's time for another network to get in the mix . Is pax still around ?
- 将所有原料放入搅拌机中混合。
- Mix everything in a blender .
- 通过向产品组合中加入其它资产并不能纾困。
- Adding other assets to the mix does not solve the dilemma .
- 这真是他们应得的!
- These people do deserve the award !
- 他知道那不是他应得的。
- He knew he did not deserve it .
- 这是我们的人民所应得的。
- That is what our people deserve .
- 我认为我们有一个有趣的混合。
- I think we have an interesting blend .
- 它将从一个能被看见的细节所轻易的融合到背景颜色中。
- It will simply blend into the background instead of being seen as a distinct feature .
- 这个节日的起源混合以一些异教徒的风俗。
- The religious festival is originally a blend of pagan customs .
- 他们发现超过三分之二的额外税收更多的被用在了支出上,这些支出中的大部分都超出了中央政府的控制,政客们将许多支出作为奖励来分发,同时用来安抚既得利益者。
- They have found that over two-thirds of the extra tax revenues are going towards more spending , much of it beyond the control of central government and a lot of it used by politicians to dispense patronage and appease vested interests .
- 但是,由于疾病时常席卷同一地区,同时分发几种药品也是可行的,这样可以节约资金。
- But as such diseases often plague the same places , it is possible to dispense several drugs together , saving money .
- 她说,她在这里的失败,是没有能力执行公正的审判。
- Her failure there , she says , was that she was unable to dispense justice equally .
- 配饰则可以体现你的个人风格。
- Accessories are where you make your personal mark .
- 这些大屏幕手机比那些较小的3.5手机更适合作仪表类附件。
- These larger screen phones are more usable as dashboard accessories than a smaller 3.5-inch phone .
- 那这一季流行的配饰是什么呢?
- What 's the fashion in accessories this season ?