- 大卫凯勒,阿巴拉契亚的毒品执法人员告诉美联社,各种大小种植集团正试图抢占这个市场空间。
- Dave keller , a drug enforcement officer in appalachia , told the associated press that both small and large growers were trying to fill the void .
- 明州到处都是平淡无奇的郊区,一家家自助餐馆提供的无限量食物正好给无爱夫妻填补各自内心的无尽空虚。
- The state is full of bland suburbs and buffet restaurants serving endless piles of food , which loveless couple use to fill the void in their hearts .
- 联合政府对学校、福利、与警方的改革源自一些年轻的智库机构,如社会公义与政策交流中心这些机构用来填补堂皇而常年闲置的撒切尔派团体(如政策研究中心和经济事务学会)留下的空白。
- The coalition 's reforms of schools , welfare and policing have their roots in young think-tanks such as the centre for social justice and policy exchange , created to fill the void left by august but inactive thatcherite bodies such as the centre for policy studies and the institute of economic affairs .