- 此文评析了西汉初年政治思想家贾谊和晁错的后备经济思想,指出了这一思想的历史价值。
- This article reviews analyse at the beginning of the western han dynasty year the mothball economy thought of political ideologist gu yi and chao cuo , pointed out the historical value of this one thought .
- 虽然用晁错为太子家令并不意味着文帝政治的转型,而强硬政策的施行却加快了吴王为首的七国叛乱。
- That chao cuo was appointed as the magistrate of the prince did not imply that the politic of emperor wen would be changing . However , the tough policy quickened the seven-nation 's insurgence headed by king wu .
- 不要拿你那龌蹉的思想,来侮辱我纯洁的心灵。
- Do not take your that wo cuo thoughts , insult me pure heart .
- 本文以文献语料的历史顺序为主线,对各个时期暂的具体用例进行分析,关注暂的使用情况和语义语法功能,对其历史演变发展做历时与共时层面相结合,词义语义与句法语用层次相统一的考察研究。
- Accorded to the history of literature corpus order , this paper analyzed the specific use case of “ zan ” in each period , concerned about the use of “ zan ” and its functions in syntax and semantic , made study on the historical evolution and development of “ zan ”, which strived to achieve the combination of diachronic and synchronic level and the unity of semantic , syntactic and Pragmatic .
- 大臣见状,惊奇得目瞪口呆,因为懒瓒禅师,吃的是一块一块的石头。
- Minister sees that is much more surprised , because lazy zan Zen master , what eats is together a stone .
- 那这个乌赞将军又是谁呀?
- Who was general Wu zan ?