- 在世的人中你最鄙视谁?
- Which living person do you most despise ?
- 他们害怕并且鄙视男性化。
- They fear and despise the masculine .
- 读者决不能嘲笑或者轻视这个国家的使节。
- The reader is not invited to mock or despise these envoys of the state .
- 相反我很厌恶他对教育行业的蔑视。
- I hate his contempt for the teaching profession .
- 这将导致平壤方面更多的轻蔑,而不是害怕。
- That likely caused more contempt than fear in pyongyang .
- 她虽然还爱着基布尔先生,但对他有了一丝轻蔑。
- She still loved mr. keble , but felt a touch of contempt .
- 一位阿曼商人不无鄙视地对我说。
- An omani businessman told me with disdain .
- 传统的保守主义鄙视民粹主义,尊重知识。
- Traditional conservatives disdain populism and respect knowledge .
- 他对金融城作风的蔑视也延伸到其商业生活的许多其它方面。
- His disdain for city types extends to many other aspects of business life .