- 依靠着荷兰的气候和白垩沙土壤,郁金香茂盛生长,郁金香产业随之诞生。
- And thanks to the dutch climate and its chalky sandy soil , the tulip flourished and thus an industry was born .
- 郁金香狂热、南海泡沫、1825年恐慌和第一次互联网泡沫破裂,都是潮起潮落的一部分。
- Tulip mania , the south sea bubble , the panic of 1825 and the first internet bust were all part of the same ebb and flow .
- 但是,引发大蒜泡沫的另一个根源或许是老式的投机活动,类似于16世纪荷兰的郁金香狂潮,当时有钱的商人以毕生积蓄购买郁金香球茎。
- But in a phenomenon with a whiff of the 16th-century dutch tulip mania , when wealthy merchants used their life savings to buy single bulbs , another cause of the garlic bubble may be old-fashioned speculation .