- 贝卢斯科尼(silvioberlusconi)总理领导新内阁就那不勒斯问题召开首次会议。
- Silvio berlusconi took his new cabinet to naples for its first meeting .
- 两支队伍在那不勒斯稍北的泰阿诺会师。
- The two met at teano , a little north of naples .
- 普罗迪先生早就说过他想永久性地解决那不勒斯的垃圾问题。
- Mr prodi had earlier said that he intended to solve the naples garbage problem permanently .
- 能给纳伯力先生弄些咖啡吗?
- Can we get mr. napoli some coffee ?
- 我是拿波里中士你真是个职业杀手啊是吧?拿破伦?
- It 's napoli , sarge . You 're quite the killer , aren 't you , napoleon ?
- 随着米兰将比分优势扩大,那不勒斯的时间所剩无几.
- Napoli had little time to react as milan extended their lead .
- 我的第一个建议是小睡一会儿。
- My first suggestion is to take a nap .
- 嘉兴市一市场,一名小贩在她的鸡蛋摊位上打盹。
- A vendor takes a nap at her egg stall in a market in jiaxing .
- 但下一次在宝宝打盹时,请注意你聊天时说的话。
- But the next time your baby has a nap , watch what you say .