- 坦克虎视眈眈的聚集在城市的各个角落。
- Tanks have been massing menacingly around the city .
- 但一座城市的辉煌不一定会持久。
- Yet a city 's pre-eminence does not necessarily last .
- 大城市让你感到压抑?
- Big city got you down ?
- 资本市场自身正在萎缩。
- Capital markets themselves are shrinking .
- 这些公司在挥霍风险资金。
- They are burning venture capital .
- 首都的平静正趋于平和。
- The calm in the capital is disarming .
- 实施这一法规的并不只有橘子郡。
- And orange county is far from alone .
- 该郡的经济上也颇为充裕。
- And the county was always well off economically .
- 莱克县是钢铁厂之乡。
- Lake county is home to steel mills .
- 他们不一定像他们的父辈或祖父辈那样倾向于选择苏格兰威士卡和白兰地。
- They 're not necessarily looking to drink scotch and cognac like their father or grandfather drank .
- 几年后,20岁的贝萨特带着一瓶法国白兰地和笑容满面地出现在基可加维大学大学的圣诞晚会上。
- Years later , a 20-year-old besart showed up at kirkkojarvi 's christmas party with a bottle of cognac and a big grin .
- 过去爱喝干邑白兰地(cognac)的一般是老年白人男性,但时代已经变了。
- Times have changed for cognac , the spirit that used to be the preserve of old white men .
- 我们正办理ib385去伦敦,在明天下午1点。
- We are taking ib 385 to london tomorrow at 1 p.m.
- 但是,如果国际学校依靠国际学士学位或国际普通中等教育证书的声誉作为它们的竞争优势,他们将面临严酷的竞争。
- But if international schools are relying on the virtues of the ib and igcse for their competitive edge , they are beginning to face stiff competition .
- 如果研究产品做了标记,并且它的药理学被开业医生广泛地理解,那么一个详尽的研究者手册就没有必要了。
- If the investigational product is marketed and its pharmacology is widely understood by medical practitioners , an extensive ib may not be necessary .