- 泰国陆军发言人说,此次冲突是因为柬方违背了两国前线指挥官达成的协议,即达曼和达格罗贝古庙所在区域地位需要进一步加以确定,属于“非武装区”,任何一方进入这一区域都应通知对方以免引起冲突。
- Thai army spokesman said because the cambodian side of the conflict between the two front-line commanders violated the agreement , the dammam and the status of the dag roberto temple region need to be further determined , a " demilitarized zone " , either into this area should notify the other party in order to avoid conflict .
- 也有可能是因为军方内部一些人与叛军勾结,以避免被其他人取代而失去该地区的控制权和资源。
- Or maybe one bit of the army was colluding with the rebels to avoid being replaced by another bit and losing control of the area and its resources .
- 一个部队科研团队发表于2008年《新英格兰医学杂志》的研究甚至把创伤性脑损伤的危害性放低了,建议人们用“脑震荡”而不是“轻度创伤性脑损伤”来避免给患者灌输损伤是长期的观念。
- One study , published in 2008 by a group of army researchers in the new england journal of medicine , even downplayed the role of mild tbi , suggesting that people should use the word " concussion " rather than " mild traumatic brain injury " to avoid perpetuating the belief they are suffering from a long-term injury .