- batebi先生9年前参加的抗议活动曾让伊朗的统治者大为恐慌。
- The protests mr batebi took part in nine years ago frightened iran 's rulers .
- 金融界人士感到恐慌,政界及外交人士则正经历一段相对平静的时期。
- While the financiers are frightened , the politicians and diplomats are going through a relatively calm period .
- 这儿的人们因未知的情形而恐慌,同时也为正看到的情形而震惊。
- People here are frightened by what they can 't see and shocked by what they are seeing .
- 新闻报道让海外的朋友们大为惊慌,他们开始发来电子邮件,问我们是否还好。
- E-mails began to arrive from friends overseas , alarmed by news reports and asking if we were all right .
- 这项任命也让那些最有可能被艾伯顿盯住的大学首脑人物感到惊慌。
- It has also alarmed the heads of the universities most likely to be targeted by mr ebdon .
- 这样看来,经济学家似乎比公众更为惊慌。
- The economists , it seems , were more alarmed than the public .
- 她匆忙捏造了一个借口。
- She hastily cooked up an excuse .
- 政府匆忙承诺将会进行改革。
- The government is hastily promising reforms .
- 但此人承认,这笔交易是仓促而就。
- But , the person concedes , the deal was a hastily arranged marriage .