- 通过对分析年某时段遥感资料与对照年同时段遥感资料的相似选择分析,确定出农作物受旱害的程度和受灾地区。
- By similar selection analysing remote sensing data of a period time of a year and the remote sensing data of a period of the check year the degree and district of farm crops suffering dought were determined .
- 文摘:通过对分析年某时段遥感资料与对照年同时段遥感资料的相似选择分析,确定出农作物受旱害的程度和受灾地区。
- Abstract : by similar selection analysing remote sensing data of a period time of a year and the remote sensing data of a period of the check year the degree and district of farm crops suffering dought were determined .
- “如果巴霍芬认为这种普那路亚婚姻是‘非法的’,那么,那一时代的人也许要认为今日从兄弟姊妹或表兄弟姊妹之间结婚,近的和远的,大多数都是血亲婚配,正如亲兄弟和亲姊妹之间结婚一样。”
- " If bachofen considers these punaluan marriages'lawless , ' a man of that period would consider most of the present-day marriages between near and remote cousins on the father 's or mother 's side to be incestuous , as being marriages between blood brothers and sisters . "