- 试试不要用赞美、感谢、哈利路亚、阿们等字眼来赞美神,尝试列出一些意义相同的字眼和新颖的用词,如仰慕、尊敬、珍惜、尊崇、敬重、欣赏等。
- Try praising god without using the words praise , hallelujah , thanks , or amen . Instead of saying , " we just want to praise you , " make a list of synonyms and use fresh words like admire , respect , value , revere , honor , and appreciate .
- 试试不要用赞美、感谢、哈利路亚、阿们等字眼来赞美神,尝试列出一些意义相同的字眼和新颖的用词,如仰慕、尊敬、珍惜、尊崇、敬重、欣赏等。
- Try praising god without using the words praise , hallelujah , thanks , or amen . Instead of saying , " we just want to praise you , " make a list of synonyms and use fresh words like admire , respect , value , revere , honor , and appreciate .
- 用错词或短语可以传递讯息背后隐藏的情绪,影响员工的自我感觉、信心和态度.
- The wrong use of words or emotions hidden behind phrases can send messages that affect staff self-perception , confidence and attitude .