- 在20世纪早期,西方科学确定了巨蜥只是史前时代的遗物。
- By the early twentieth century , western science had determined that giant lizards were nothing more than a relic of the prehistoric past .
- 正像伟大的经济学家johnmaynardkeynes描述的那样,黄金只是中世纪经济的遗物。
- To the great economist john maynard keynes , it was a " barbarous relic " of a primeval economic past .
- 这样的回复现在看来不仅愚蠢而且还有着从前自负、富裕时代的遗风。
- That retort now seems not just daft but a relic of a more complacent , richer era .
- 一些科学家假设和人类打嗝有关的神经回路是在蝌蚪时期利用腮下肉辅助呼吸的猿人祖先的进化痕迹。
- Some scientists hypothesize that the neural circuitry implicated in human hiccuping is an evolutionary vestige from our amphibian ancestors who use a similar action to aid respiration with gills during their tadpole stage .
- 但也许还有更多激进势力存在,目前为止,相对于伊斯兰教习俗,突尼斯的世俗化仍然占优势,并将导致国家向更恶劣的方向推进,使之洗刷所有老旧制度的痕迹,包括新组建的脆弱政府。
- Or more radical elements , so far secular rather than islamist , could drive it in a harsher direction , ridding it of every vestige of the old regime , including those of its number in the fragile new government .
- 不过传统的电灯就更差了,它们是电子管时代的最后一点遗迹,需要借助蒸汽和电线才能发光。
- Traditional light bulbs , the last vestige of the vacuum tube era , produce light with hot gases or wires .
- 这些能毁了你的一整天。
- And it can ruin your day .
- 沉迷和被迫做某事都会毁了原本好的生活。
- Addictions and compulsions can ruin lives .
- 杠杆开始与狂妄和毁灭联系在了一起,而不再是增长的捷径。
- Leverage becomes associated with hubris and ruin , rather than a short-cut to growth .