- 不久的将来,不再会有被刮了的轿车和磨坏的鞋了。
- Scratched cars and scuffed shoes could soon be no more than a bad memory .
- 不久的将来,不再会有被刮了的轿车和磨坏的鞋了。
- Scratched cars and scuffed shoes could soon be no more than a bad memory .
- 为了保证擦鞋效果,每进一批新的保养产品,他都要先拿自己的皮鞋做试验,几年下来,被他擦坏的皮鞋就达300多双。
- In order to guarantee the effect of each shoe , a batch of new products , he would take his shoes to do experiments , come down a few years , he was wiping bad amounted to more than 300 pairs of shoes .