- 远为严峻的威胁是:长时期的需求不振,可能会损害供应,令英国陷入贫穷,并遗留下巨额的公共债务。
- A far greater threat is that a prolonged period of feeble demand would undermine supply , impoverish the country and bequeath a legacy of huge public debts .
- 英国奥运协会(boa)声称,队伍要拿得出“有说服力的成绩”才能取得参赛席位;一项运动要为该国留下一笔“遗产”,以激励更多人去从事该运动或担任教练工作。
- The british olympic association ( boa ) has said that to earn a slot , a team must be capable of " a credible performance " . A sport must leave a " legacy " , encouraging more people to play and coach .
- 但是这也是一个关于一位父亲如何接受祖父的小提琴的遗赠,并创造了自己遗赠,将指挥棒传到儿子手中,好让儿子实现自己的梦想。
- But it 's also a story of how a father created a legacy with his grandfather 's fiddle and passed a baton to his son so that his son could fulfill his dreams .