- 宗教学者陶飞亚说,虽然官方教会与地下教会的界限越来越模糊,对于最终权威的争论,他还不知道有什么解决办法。
- Although the line between official and underground churches is becoming more blurred , tao feiya , a religious scholar , says he cannot see any resolution to the dispute over final authority .
- 《宇宙学期刊》的编辑陶拉娜重申了这个观点和对这个话题的争议,她说鉴于牵涉到的话题过于敏感,约瑟夫博士的这篇文章作了三次修改才得以刊登出来。
- Lana tao , editor for the journal of cosmology , reiterated this sentiment and the controversy surrounding the topic , noting that dr. joseph 's chapter had to be revised three times due to the sensitivity of the subject matter .
- 象征主义是前现代宗教的重要组成成分,由于只能通过类比的方法来谈论终极现实上帝、道、婆罗门或涅磐因为它存在于语言文字无法到达的地方。
- Symbolism was essential to premodern religion , because it was only possible to speak about the ultimate reality-god , tao , brahman or nirvana-analogically , since it lay beyond the reach of words .