- 大部分人经常遭遇到这种竞争状况。
- Most people regularly encounter this competition .
- 每一次退货代表了服务遭遇失败。
- Every return represents a failed service encounter .
- 修订条约势必会遇到太多的障碍。
- A treaty change would encounter too many hurdles .
- 还有一些人需要定期亲自会见客户,或是在创业初期雇佣人手帮忙。
- Others may need to regularly meet with clients in person or hire several employees from the start .
- 他将会在明天会见韩国官员并设法重新启动陷入僵局核裁军援助的会谈。
- He will meet with south korean officials tomorrow as he seeks ways to restart stalled aid-for-nuclear-disarmament talks .
- 在今年1月的底特律汽车展上,福特汽车首席执行长穆拉利同意再次会见吉利管理人士。
- Mr. booth and ford ceo alan mulally agreed to meet with geely executives again during the detroit auto show this past january .