- 同样,那些坐在拜占庭帝国柔软光滑的长沙椅上的阿拉伯酋长们也无法忘记沙漠,贮藏起远远超过可能需要的物质财富。
- Similarly the arab chieftains on their silken byzantine divans could not forget the desert , and hoarded riches far beyond any possible physical need .
- 同样,那些坐在拜占庭帝国柔软光滑的长沙椅上的阿拉伯酋长们也无法忘记沙漠,贮藏起远远超过可能需要的物质财富。
- Similarly the arab chieftains on their silken byzantine divans could not forget the desert , and hoarded riches far beyond any possible physical need .
- 同样,那些坐在拜占庭帝国柔软光滑的长沙椅上的阿拉伯酋长们也无法忘记沙漠,贮藏起远远超过可能需要的物质财富。
- Similarly the arab chieftains on their silken byzantine divans could not forget the desert , and hoarded riches far beyond any possible physical need .