- 医疗信息技术与远程监护医生可降低重症患者病死率与呼吸机应用。
- Association of health information technology and teleintensivist coverage with decreased mortality and ventilator use in critically ill patients .
- 现在他正在一家当地医院里接受重症看护,意识仍然没有清醒,且依靠呼吸器呼吸。
- He is now in intensive care at a local hospital , unconscious and on a ventilator .
- 内科重症监护病房细菌性呼吸机相关性肺炎危险因素与病原学分析。
- Analysis of risk factors and etiology of ventilator associated pneumonia in medical intensive care unit .
- 松开水龙头的透气口,打开总阀送水,打开水龙头。
- Unscrew the aerator from the faucet , turn the water on at the shutoff valves , and open the faucet .
- 采用生物激活技术、多功能生态浮岛与磁化抑藻曝气技术集成的多自然生态技术对江苏省太仓市樊泾河进行生态修复的现场试验。
- Field test of bioremediation was conducted in fanjing river , taicang city , jiangsu province , by multi natural ecological treatment technology which consisted of biostimulant , ecological floating bed and aerator with algae control .
- 应经常注意增氧机运行情况,若出现异常声响或振动,应立即停机,进行检查和处理,以免损坏增氧机。
- Check aerator frequently for operation . If there is any abnormal sound or vibration , shut down the aerator immediately , make examination and handle problems , in order to avoid damage .